Ohuhu, as an art supply brand, understands the effort, passion and feeling that artists pour into their craft and firmly supports protecting them. While technology will keep advancing, we'll always think human creativity is what really matters.
We want to show support for real artists. Over the past year, we've double checked that all the drawings and paintings we share on social media (@ohuhuart) and used on our packaging were done by hand - no AI involvement at all. In our 8th anniversary competition, we have also carefully screened submissions to prevent any AI-generated drawings from being selected as winners. However, we recognize the limitations of what we can do alone - that is why we ask our community to help monitor for potential AI use as well.
To give artists some power, we want to tell you about a couple tools created specifically for protecting art from unwanted AI copying. Services like Glaze and Nightshade, make subtle changes that humans barely can see, but confuse AI systems so they can't just replicate styles.
While AI technology continues advancing, we believe it should assist - not replace - human creativity. Tools, whether traditional like our markers or digital like Glaze, aim to broaden the possibilities for artistic exploration and communication, not constrain the limitless potential of the human experience.
Creativity is too precious to be corrupted or stolen without permission. Ohuhu always remains bringing joy through art supplies and fostering creativity that stems from the depths of human experience.